Is there a misconception of flexible working rule?

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]It has been widely reported that the right to flexible working is to be extended to include a further 4.5 million parents of children aged up to 16, amid concerns that it could damage small businesses.

However, the new right is to ‘request’ flexible working – a very different proposition.

There appears to be some misunderstanding about this forthcoming legislation. While workers have the right to request more flexible working conditions, employers also have the right to refuse them and to work with employees to develop a solution that works for both parties.

The right to make such a request is already available to people whose children are aged six and under or disabled. Employers approved over 90% of such requests last year, which strongly implies that they saw little or no likelihood that carefully tailored, flexible contracts would damage their businesses.

In fact, there is much evidence to suggest that flexible working is good for business, largely through the creation of a happier and more productive workforce. However there are some possible drawbacks. For example, employees without children can feel that they are at a disadvantage in negotiating the working conditions they would like – it is then down to the employer to ensure that everybody is treated fairly.

Gamlins has employment experts who can help small businesses review the contracts they draw up with their staff, both to ensure its compliance with existing and forthcoming legislation and to enable fairness for all.

Call your nearest Gamlins Office to organise a meeting.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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