divorce child holiday

Can my ex take my child abroad without telling me?

When you separate or divorce, agreeing a practical plan for parenting your children is crucial. In our experience arrangements for children operate better when the parents agree things between themselves – without asking a judge to decide issues about: A good child arrangements scheme or parenting plan should also seek to nail down questions about … Read more

divorce day

Supporting rocky relationships through the hard times

The family-focus of Christmas is often followed in January with news of unhappy couples calling it quits, leading to so-called Divorce Day, as family lawyers receive a surge of enquiries when they re-open after the break.   As the holiday season draws to a close, there are calls from those on the front line of family … Read more

divorce settlement

Can I change my divorce settlement?

It is a question we are asked increasingly by clients who have divorced. A volatile housing market, cost of living pressures, increased mortgage costs and inflation are all factors that have an impact on family budgets. So, if the financial picture your divorce settlement was based on has changed, can you go back to court … Read more

digital divorce

The highs and lows of blame-free digital divorce

by family law expert Rachel Wynn Jones of Rhyl based solicitors Gamlins Law. Divorce applications rose by 20 per cent in the year following the introduction of no-fault divorce, according to figures from the Ministry for Justice. But while the headline process may be easier, couples going through the legal stage of break-up are still … Read more

How cryptocurrency can fuel asset concealment in divorce

Divorce professionals are reporting that cryptocurrencies are fuelling a new trend of asset concealment when couples part.  For while offshore trusts and investments are well-known as tools used by the wealthy looking to hide assets, the increasing appeal of cryptocurrencies to even the smallest investor means concealment is likely to become a much more commonplace … Read more

The life stages that go into legacy making

Record property values and family structures make inheritance planning a growing issue yet research[1] shows that more than half of adults in the UK do not have a will in place, with the figure rising to almost 60% among parents. The researchers also found that of those who had made a will, many who had … Read more

Aiming for a win-win separation

When celebrities divorce, it makes for big headlines. Since Johnny Depp and Amber Heard announced their intention to split a few weeks ago, the most private aspects of their life together has been played out in public and open for examination by the media and online commentators. With court documents detailing lavish lifestyles and counter-accusations … Read more

Divorce down as pre nups rise

The first working day in January is commonly known as Divorce Day, when family lawyers receive more enquiries than at any other time of the year, but they are more likely to be faced with ‘silver splitters’ than young couples these days. The latest figures from the Office for National Statistics show that despite the … Read more

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