If you are thinking of renting out your property our experienced team of Solicitors can advise you on matters such as tenancy agreements and taking deposits from a tenant.
New Legislation came into effect in Wales on 31st May 2023. All landlords are required to provide certain information to their tenants within 28 days of the tenancy starting. If a landlord fails to provide this notice within 28 days, they can be fined by the local authority our courts.
If you take a deposit from a tenant, you must lodge it with one if the three Government Schemes. Deposits must be placed with one of the schemes within 30 days of receiving it and ‘prescribed’ information must also be provided to the tenant within 30 days of having received the deposit monies.
Failure to lodge the deposit monies or provide the prescribed information within 30 days can result in a Court ordering you, as Landlord, to pay three times the deposit monies to the tenant. In addition failure to lodge the deposit monies could prevent you issuing a Notice Seeking Possession of the property.
If you are renting a property there are certain rights that you have such as the right to live in a property that is safe and in a good state of repair. If your landlord has breached your rights our dedicated team of solicitors at Gamlins can advise you on the options available to you.
If you have paid a deposit to your landlord they should have paid it in to one of the Government Deposit Schemes and provided you with information identifying the scheme, If your landlord fails to lodge your deposit monies or provide you with the prescribed information you may have a claim to recover three times the deposit monies from your landlord.
In addition, if your landlord has failed to lodge your deposit monies with a scheme it may mean that any Notice Seeking Possession may be invalid.
Our team of solicitors are experienced in dealing with these matters and can guide you through the process.
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