Stephanie Ellis

Partner – Gamlins Solicitors LLP
  • Residential Conveyancing
  • Wills & Probate

01766 512 011

103 High Street, Porthmadog, LL49 9EY (also Bala)

I am a Partner at Gamlins Solicitors LLP since Spring 2022. I qualified as a Solicitor in April 2012 having trained with Hywel Davies & Co which merged with Gamlins Solicitors LLP.

I specialise in the residential purchase and sale of properties as well as Wills, Probate , Powers of Attorney and Court of Protection work.

As I have lived in Bala/Porthmadog all of my life I have valuable knowledge of the local rural areas which can become invaluable when dealing with property transactions. I also can provide you with you a continuation of services so that everything is dealt with all in one place.

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