Client Feedback Form

    Gamlins Office

    Please let us know how well we performed in the following areas:-

    Q1. Understanding your requirements
    ExcellentGoodAverageBelow AveragePoor

    Q2. Clarity of advice
    ExcellentGoodAverageBelow AveragePoor

    Q3. Informing you of our fees
    ExcellentGoodAverageBelow AveragePoor

    Q4. Keeping you informed of progress
    ExcellentGoodAverageBelow AveragePoor

    Q5. Responding to correspondence
    ExcellentGoodAverageBelow AveragePoor

    Q6. Responding to telephone calls
    ExcellentGoodAverageBelow AveragePoor

    Q7. Overall level of service
    ExcellentGoodAverageBelow AveragePoor

    Q8. Would you recommend us to someone who required legal help or advice?

    Q8b. Please give a reason for your answer.

    Q9. Please could you confirm how you heard of Gamlins? *

    Q10. Do you have any further comments or suggestions.

    Q11. Is there anyone you wish to name who made the whole process with us much easier for you.

    Thank you for taking the time to complete the questions above.

    Your answers are completely confidential. However, if you would like us to contact you to discuss any of the issues raised, please fill in your name and telephone below.

    * required fields