What is the Consumer Rights Act 2015?
The Consumer Rights Act provides consumers with certain rights regarding the quality of goods that they purchase from businesses. It is important that businesses are aware know of their obligations to consumers under the Act, and that if they do not comply with the legal requirements, they may face potential claims in the future.
The main purpose of the Consumer Rights Act is to make it easier for consumers to understand their rights. This is done by setting out the rules concerning goods, services, and digital content. It is also important to note that the Consumer Rights Act only applies in a business to consumer relationship. As a result of this, it will not apply to a business that sells goods or provides services to another business.
What does the Act do?
The Act imposes obligations on sellers to comply with which includes (i) ensuring that the description provided about the goods or service are accurate and (ii) ensuring that the goods are of satisfactory quality.
The court will look at the following when assessing whether goods are of satisfactory quality:
- Suitability for purpose;
- Safety;
- Appearance;
- Durability; and
- Freedom of minor defects.
If you have purchased a product and you believe that it is not of satisfactory quality, then please do not hesitate to get in touch with us by emailing